


Fast growing hardwood

Eucalyptus Cloeziana (Gympie Messmate) is sourced from sustainably managed plantation forests in Africa. The species originates from the Gympie District in South Eastern Australia and is planted from about 1915 in plantations in South Africa. The trees grow relatively quickly, thereby providing a high yield per hectare and able to capture a high amount of CO2.

High natural durability

Based on the high natural durability Cloeziana privides a good alternative to other (sub) tropical hardwoods and steel or plastic. Cloeziana products can meet the requirements of durability class 1. This means that the core timber is still good after more than 25 years in ground contact. In addition, the timber is also resistant to pole worm. This makes it a suitable product for the protection of sea dikes without any problems.

Strong material with straight trunk

Cloeziana products can meet the requirements of strength class D50. This can be used as an alternative for Angelim and Azobé. Also, complying with standards of practice according to NPR-5493. This standard regulates the wood quality needed for different applications in the civil engineering sector. A straight stem, cylindrical shape, hardly branches on the first 20 meters and little dimensional difference from top to bottom (< 7 mm/m). 

Port, platform, Bank protection, Landing stage, Fencing
Esthetically maintenance: